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Electric Racing Double - 38½” Cosmic Wind
RCM&E Plan August 2009 by Tony Nijhuis


978mm / 38½"
864mm / 34"
IC Engine
0.25 two stroke
Electric Motor
4-Max Recommended
3-4 Function (micro)
1134g / 40oz

Please click here for the recommended electric setup

Please click here for the Cosmic Wind and Cosmic Wind thread on the RCM&E website

Designed as fun scale model, the construction technique follows that of the Hawk, Vampire & Mosquito. It's a simple slab-sided model with the emphasis placed on the builder to carve and shape to achieve the looks of the Cosmic Wind
Designed using a solid balsa (9mm) sheet wing and box fuselage construction this is a one piece model.

Access to the radio is via a hatch in the top of the fuselage. Designed specifically for the plain bearing 25 size IC engines, both the Cosmic Wind and the Cosmic Wind are designed to rekindle the days of ‘club 20’ racing so why not get a friend to build one too and have some racing fun.

The model is easily converted to electric power.

Plan, VAC formed canopy and dummy engine cowls are available.
The CNC pack and wood pack is available exclusively through Tony Nijhuis Designs.
The CNC pack includes a much higher quantity of cut parts and is priced to reflect this (about 90% of the components needed to build the model are pre-cut) so the model is pretty close to being a full kit of wooden parts.

Please Note
Although we carry selective stock, we generally print and manufacture to order so deliveries may take up to 28 days to reach you from point of order. Also delivery of plans, some plastic parts and CNC wood packs will be sent as separate consignments.

For overseas orders please Email us

Description Price Quantity
Plan for Racing Double 38½" Cosmic Wind £18.00
Vac form set (canopy and cowl air intakes) £20.00
Plan + Vac form set Save £1.00 £37.00
CNC pack £66.00
Plan + CNC pack + Vac form set Save £4.00 £100.00
Wood Pack (extra stock wood needed to complete) £18.00 Out of Stock
Plan + CNC pack + Wood Pack + Vac form set Save £5.00 £117.00 Out of Stock
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